Burglars using new methods to break into your house.
According to James Kay, corporate director of Prolocksmith, they’ve encountered multiple examples of this type of access, but they advocate installing snap-resistant locks to keep intruders out.
A locksmith has issued a warning about a new burglary technique.
Blowtorches are apparently being used by burglars to destroy and snap off door locks in order to gain entrance to residences, according to Prolocksmith.
This form of intrusion has been found in multiple cases, according to the Manchester-based firm.
Following an attempted theft at a customer’s home, company director James Kay is warning people to be alert of the trend, according to Manchester Evening News.
Blowtorches were used to damage and crack the locks on the customer’s residence, but they were unable to gain entry.
The snap-resistant locks that the company had previously installed on the door prevented them from entering.
“James” stated: “Burglaries and persons attempting to get entrance to homes and vans are extremely common over the Christmas season.
“Intruders use blowtorches to try to remove the handle from around the lock so that they can get a good grasp on it and then snap it.
“When the lock on a normal lock snaps, the door opens.
“So it’s all about acquiring access in order to get a decent grip on the lock,” says the narrator.
To keep intruders out, he recommends snap-resistant locks.
He elaborated: “A snap-resistant lock will still snap the lock once it’s been snapped, but your door will remain locked.
“It implies that while the lock and door will be destroyed, the burglars will not have gained entrance to your home.
“I believe people do not comprehend unless it occurs to them.
“And it’s frustrating for us because we say things like, “Look, everyone needs these locks fitted.”

“As you can see from our customer’s situation, it does happen, and it happens frequently, sadly.”
James also debunked a widespread misunderstanding regarding how intruders get access to homes.
“Usually, people think, if intruders wanted in, they would shatter a window,” he explained.
“But they wouldn’t smash windows because it creates a lot of noise and alerts people,” says the narrator.
“People who have been burgled usually come downstairs in the morning and realize that it has already happened since the burglars employ these tactics to make as little noise as possible.”
People should also make sure their locks are the correct size for their doors, according to James.

“A lot of the time, people have tried to install locks themselves,” he continued.
“As a result, you’ll see a lock that’s too big for the door, causing it to protrude.
“Which means intruders have simple access to snap it out without even having to remove the handle.”
“If a burglar sees a lock that is too big, it’s like Christmas Day for them; they will target locks like that.”
One client described how she and her family awoke in December to find their door lock had been burnt and seriously broken.

The consumer, who did not want to be identified, stated: “My family and I were asleep at home a few days before Christmas, about 5 a.m.
“We heard a disturbance and ran downstairs to turn on the lights, but there was no one in the house, so we went back to bed.
“It wasn’t until my husband put the keys in the door the next morning that half the barrel came out with it.”
Tips from James and the customer
- Install snap-resistant locks on all doors
- Rather than installing locks yourself, get a professional to do it.
- Always keep your house and automobile keys hidden and never leave keys inside locks.
- Thieves can use a wire to access keys through the letterbox if keys are left hung up near doors.
- If you misplace your keys, change the locks as quickly as possible.
- Install conspicuous deterrents like floodlights and surveillance cameras.
- Make sure your Ring Video Doorbells are in the right place.
- Ensure that your security systems are up to date.
- Keep an eye out for paving slabs, triangle or circle insignia, or kidney beans on doorsteps, all of which are used by burglars to target properties.
“So we thought, ‘Oh, that’s not typical,'” says the author. We realized what had transpired at that point.”
The intruders were wearing balaclavas, according to CCTV footage.
The event is being investigated by the police, who are also assisting the customer’s family.
She now needs to repair the door, which will cost her between £400 and £500.
“It’s simply been dreadful because you’re always expecting for the intruders to return,” she stated.
“To be honest, we haven’t slept well since then.”
“You don’t want robbers coming back and getting into a fight with them because we have a child in the house.”
“As a result, the cost and stress are not optimal. The cops, on the other hand, have been fantastic.
“The burglars would have 100% entered the house if we hadn’t installed the snap-resistant lock.”
Call Locksmith London 24 for more advice.
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